A Worthy Burden To Bear


It furthers one to take on something substantial. The road could be more prolonged and more strenuous, absolutely. Still, the risk of not taking responsibility means a life devoid of riches. 

These riches don’t necessarily equate to monetary value, although they certainly could. The riches that I’m referring to bring about the company of rewards such as satisfaction, a sense of accomplishment, dutifulness to oneself and others, as well as the enduring value of knowing that your presence brings about a positive impact for the duration of your existence. 

To say with absolute certainty that what you are doing now will cause the direction you are heading, with regard to it being something that is of profound righteousness, is an indispensable pathway to trek.  One can begin this journey through the process of ownership. 

To own the pain and hurt that one endures in the past or the present is to recognize that it is your duty to ameliorate. Finger-pointing will not further your development. Playing the blame game is an avoidance of responsibility, an act of cowardice. 

We don’t always choose the obstacle, but we certainly choose the method by which we overcome what is standing in our way. One can only hurdle over a barrier through ownership, and ownership means acceptance of the situation. If you do not accept what is in front of you, you will not pivot your thoughts and behaviors to a position of triumph.  

A common misconception is that acceptance equates to defeat. This is entirely untrue. Even if the acceptance feels like defeat, and you are sure to have those moments, it is crucial to recognize that there are battles that one fights within wars. 

Wars rage inside every one of us; this is the nature of the spirit. Not accepting responsibility is to forego fighting those internal battles to the point that engaging in the war appears hopeless. 

This is why responsibility is a worthy burden to bear. One is able to participate and contend with life with a sense of heroism, as the protagonist of their story, to further their specific cause so they may reap the riches of which they sow.