Discord Of The Spirit


The spirit; or, the often synonymously used term, the soul, is our conceptual understanding of what motivates human behavior. This motivational energy, often referred to as force, is inexplicable to all as no one truly knows its origin. 

Some attribute this force to the big bang and our ever-expanding universe; others attribute it to a deity that is neither seen nor heard. Where it comes from and how it was conceived is anybody's guess. What interests us most of all is how we are compelled by it.

We hear it in its application all of the time: the spirit of a nation, femininity, masculinity, joy, solidarity, service, sacrifice, or humanity. "Now that's the spirit," someone might say when our participation is more aligned with the attitude of a group. 

While we may not know where this force comes from, we can certainly understand its essence. Spirit, at its most fundamental level, is a representation of internal conflict. The spirit of a nation is combative of the individual, of femininity is masculinity, of masculinity is femininity, of joy is sorrow, of solidarity is antagonism, of service is hindrance, and of humanity is cruelty. 

It might best be embodied by the statement of dualism represented in the Taoist symbol of yin and yang. The spirit is the characterization of our dichotomous nature.

The struggle of the spirit is to find balance in all situations. Teter too far to one side or the other, there is a sense of disequilibrium. The mind, and in many cases the body, attempts to readjust in this ever-common event. The readjustment in itself can be challenging, to say the least. It can evoke feelings of sadness, anger, pity, etc. This sense of discontent brings about an aura of suffering due to the strong desire to rediscover equilibrium.

This balancing act of the spirit, as tricky as it may be, is a gift. The opportunity to suffer through self-discovery can only be described as wondrous, miraculous, and promotes awe in ourselves and others who are witnesses to our journey. 

The spirit's role is that of discord for the purposes of disrupting complacency in order to further the growth of the self. The next time you come across a looming state of discontent, it is vital to ask about the status of one's spirit. 

Likely, should you look inward, you will find that there is work to be done. To travail is to increase the strength of one's spirit. Regardless of fear and pain, the allowance of this inexplicable force to guide us while believing that we will improve is to pursue fortune, evolution, and bliss.